The GED subtests—which take about seven hours total—cover the four primary high-school subjects. Tests are delivered on computer.


The GED test has an official GED practice test known as GED Ready, written by the very individuals who write the official test. It is half as long as the real thing, and we will use it to gauge the level of all of our students. After you take the test, you will receive a report that informs you of the best ways to study based upon how well you did. We will use these baseline metrics to uniquely craft study plans geared towards everyone’s specific strengths and weakness. Students will have access to R.E.A.L.’s computer lab equipped with the latest resources needed to succeed on the GED and beyond. All of our students will get access to over 100 subscription based newspapers and journals ranging from business to science so they can be as curious as they want to learn about themselves and the world in endless depth.