What Is a Health Advocate?
A Health Advocate is an individual who provides direct and personalized services to a patient and/or their family as they navigate the healthcare system. Health advocates also engage in activities that promote health and access to health care in communities and the larger public.
Health Advocates assist patients with a number of different tasks, including medical, eldercare, insurance, legal and administrative areas regarding their long-term or acute care needs. Here is a more comprehensive list of the types of services Health Advocates provide.
Services provided by Health Advocates
Medical / Navigational
Interacting with healthcare professionals, attending appointments, medical translation, appointment setting and coordination, asserting client's patient rights, communication, identification of medical/health resources, etc.
Help patients understand their diagnosis and learn more about their condition
Translate complicated medical information for family members
Research treatment options
Coordinate care between various physicians
Provide regular contact with patient to evaluate condition and advocate for appropriate care with providers
Assist with transitions including hospital admissions, stay and discharge; transfer to another facility, care center or home
Coordinate outpatient care
Help with understanding and managing chronic disease
Establish contact with Social Service Programs and Eldercare
Act as liaison between patient and with providers regarding wishes for hospice
Referrals to appropriate resources as needed
Assist with communications with providers, family members at client’s patient’s direction
Billing & Claims
Review of medical billing and charges to ensure accuracy in billing.
Seek billing reduction and/or negotiation
Resolve billing errors
Health Insurance
Identify sources of coverage for people without insurance
Confirm and decipher coverage for those with insurance coverage, including:
Medical Benefits
Pharmacy Benefits
Vision Benefits
Medicare Benefits and Supplements
Home Health and Rehabilitation Coverage
Social Security
Veterans Benefits
Explain patient costs such as co-pays and coinsurance
Facilitate research for appropriate in-network providers and clarify out-of-network options and costs
Advise on denials and appeals processes
Help with choosing health plans, Long Term Care plan or COBRA (continuation of benefits)
Investigate additional benefits available such as private or employer-provided disability or long-term care insurance
Exploring appropriate wellness benefits:
Preventive Care
Alternative Care
Member Discounts
Use of Advice Lines
Hearing Aids and Screening
Transitions / Housing Placement
Transitions in/out of hospital, assisted living, skilled nursing, nursing home, adult family home, or other placement, including home, with or without care.
Older Adult Services
Home care or support
Treatment plan assistance i.e. medications, lifestyle changes
Legal Advocacy / Mediation
Working with clients on a variety of legal issues.
Working for client with hospital or medical institution when client has received poor care
Worker’s compensation
Disability filings
Malpractice and medical error review
Assist with Health Care Directives, Power of Attorney or Guardianship
Mental / Behavioral Health & Social Work
Managing stressful, serious, and/or chronic health conditions as well as issues related to controlled substances
Working with behavior health challenges that make communication difficult
End of Life / Life Care Planning
Helping clients understand and plan for transitions and end of life
Advanced care directives
Hospice services
Pain Management / Palliative Care
Helping clients ensure that their pain is managed appropriately, whether short-term, long-term, and at the end of life.
• Medical records transfer
• Locate and arrange healthcare provider appointments
• Arrange for or provide transportation
Medical Tourism
Helping clients travel to receive health services.
Health Coaching / Prevention Services
Assisting clients in ways that further personal health goals and ensure better health outcomes through preventative measures.
Child Life
Helping children and their families with their unique circumstances.